Wednesday, August 12, 2015

The World is Stranger Than We Think

Nalo Hopkinson “Falling In Love With Hominids” (Tachyon, 2015)

Here in Derby City, people are getting ready for fall.  School is starting and people are acting like Halloween is just around the corner.  And Nalo Hopkinson releases this volume of collected short stories.  I’m glad that I had the opportunity to read these stories in the midst of the summer, because that’s what they call out for.

Some of the stories are explicitly set on Islands.  But throughout all of them, there’s a sense of an island breeze.  Caribbean culture is the backbone of the worlds that she creates.

Don’t get me wrong.  This isn’t some sort of Jimmy Buffet style mellow everythings gonna be alright view of island life.  There are dark deeds and sometimes scary things in the shadows.  And sometimes the things we need to fear are other people.  

This is my first opportunity to read Hopkinson’s fiction, and I have to say that I’m a fan.  It seems to occupy a space that’s part SF, part fantasy.  I’d recommend this to fans of Jeff Vandermeer, for example.  Extremely well written pieces that seem to slide around and hit the sweet spot.

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